Priority Field for Campaigns
Usage of Divvy's Campaigns Management features continues to grow and we regularly receive requests for more functionality in this area.
With that, our latest software update introduced a campaign Priority field, allowing campaign owners to set and communicate a campaign's priority when necessary.
With this new field, users will notice the following:
- All campaigns have a default priority value set to "Low".
- The Priority field can be set within the "Add New Campaign" form <--this form received an overhaul
- The Priority field can be edited on an existing Campaign via the Campaign Detail view or the Campaign slide-in panel
- A Priority filter has been added to the Campaigns interface (list view)
- A Priority column can be added to your Campaigns views.
- Campaign Priority data can be added within campaigns reports (DivvyHQ Analytics)
Recommendation for Campaign Owners: With this field available, we'd advise discussing any rules or protocols for usage of this field with your internal team. Then review your upcoming campaigns and set their priority appropriately. Need to report on high-priority campaigns? Create a new saved view!
There are even more campaign management improvements in the works, but until then, Happy Divvy-ing!